Tom is dead. Long live Tom.
Ever play Gran Turismo? Quick, name the most iconic car from the series. Okay, the second most iconic car. It's hard to beat that Skyline...
Maybe it's not as famous but the Castrol Tom's Supra is absolutely up there.
Who is Castrol Tom anyway? I'm sure he's a nice guy but he went and abandoned his most famous race car. Until now. The legendary racer has been found, gathering dust inside a storage unit in Japan.
Found with flat tires, rust, dust, flat tires and a complete lack of engine, this Supra is getting a second shot at life. The racing team, Tom's, is turning to crowd funding to breathe new life into this former child star. The three stages, if reached, will see the interior and exterior restored first, bringing it back to drivable status second and finally, making the car track-ready once more.
You can check out the different tiers of crowdfunding support here. Perks range from some no-doubt lovely stickers all the way to getting some wheel time behind the beast itself.